Stephanie Allen
Principal, Adinkra Strategies
Stephanie Allen is a nationally recognized housing expert whose 21-year career spans the housing continuum from market development to supporting homeless people living in encampments. She holds a bachelor’s in business administration and her master’s in urban studies was internationally recognized by the Western Association of Graduate Schools (WAGS) and ProQuest for her research into Black community displacement across Canada. Stephanie’s current work focuses on thought partnerships with leaders and communities who are creating real estate strategies and housing projects where people and planet can thrive. Stephanie has worked in the private, non-profit, and public sectors, is a co-founder of Hogan’s Alley Society, and was awarded the 2021 BC Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Awards, in the Breaking Barriers category. She is an occasional opinion writer and has appeared in several documentaries and news features for her analysis on historical and contemporary urban issues.